Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall update

O.K., I'm back. Just thought I'd write a little something since I haven't been here in a while.

Last night was election night. My favorite for President, Mr. Ralph Nader, didn't win again. I still hold out hope that the new administration will seek Ralph out for his wisdom. I'm not holding my breath, but you never know.

Halloween came and went with 3 harvest festivals, 2 parties, and 1 Halloween parade. The actual trick-or-treating was the easiest of the bunch. We had fun carving pumkins and I actually went with the kids designs. They came up with a couple of really good ones. I'll try to attach the pictures of them.

Friday, February 22, 2008

My First Attempt

Here we go...This is my first attempt at a blog. Just going to go for it.

I'm a stay-at-home dad who has many of the same joys, frustrations, problems, and questions as many stay-at-home moms. I often find myself with groups of women discussing issues that most men could care less about. I enjoy being at home with the kids and hope that the kids will look back fondly at these times together. It has been a struggle finding kids groups that a dad can go (no MOPS for me) but after 5 years of being in our community, I have a group of friends that accept me and realize that I'm a caring parent just like them.

Enough for now...